
V8 JavaScript kernel

Sergii Iefremov / @iefserge


This talk:

  • focused on server JavaScript
  • includes low-level technical details
  • about open-source project

Runtime.JS is an operating system kernel built on V8 engine


  • system optimized to run JavaScript applications
  • can execute JavaScript only
  • non-blocking and asynchronous I/O from the ground up
  • built from scratch
  • only for x86_64
  • inspired by Node.JS

What's the problem with existing systems?

... as a platforms for JavaScript applications

Mainstream operating systems are not the most efficient platforms for JavaScript applications

Problems with mainstream systems as a platforms for JavaScript applications:

  • designed to solve different problems
  • too complex, introduce too many architecture layers
  • inefficient API, most system calls block

Problems with mainstream systems as a platforms for JavaScript applications:

  • inefficient event notifications (using polling)
  • "unsafe" C language at a core
  • written mostly by C programmers to run C programs

Software stack (Node + Linux)

    JavaScript Application
    Isolate (V8 VM instance) ← isolation
    Main thread (event loop)
    Thread pool ← async API
    libuv ← async API
    Process (node) ← isolation
    System call API ← isolation
    Kernel (Linux)

Process isolation

  • protects kernel from applications
  • protects applications from each other
  • uses an address space for every process
  • introduces context switches (usermode and kernelmode, between processes)
  • introduces kernel System Call interface

VM isolation (V8)

  • JavaScript is "safe" language
  • V8 compiles JavaScript into trusted native code
  • sandbox, VM controls everything program is allowed to do
  • often called "software isolation"

Process vs. VM isolation

  • paying twice when using both
  • JavaScript VM provides everything process isolation can offer
  • process isolation required only for native untrusted code

Runtime.JS is a kernel optimized to run JavaScript applications

Optimizations not available for
general-purpose kernels

  • VM isolation/protection system
  • JS-optimized kernel interface
  • JS objects for applications communication
  • kernel notifications using event loop
  • kernel-side JavaScript

How does JavaScript kernel look like?

  • no binaries support
  • no processes
  • no process isolation we no longer need
  • no legacy POSIX interfaces
  • no system calls

How does JavaScript kernel look like?

  • software isolated applications (isolates)
  • single address space
  • builtin V8 engine
  • all I/O is non-blocking and asynchronous
  • global event loop for the whole system
  • lightweight threads for preemptive multitasking

Software stack (Runtime.JS)

    JavaScript Application
    Isolate (V8 VM instance)
    System event loop
    Kernel (Runtime)

Why JavaScript?

  • bytecode of the Web
  • well tested, runs on almost every device
  • easy to write asynchronous I/O code
  • powerful enough to write system components
  • safe and secure

Software isolated applications

  • no processes, just isolates
  • each program runs in it's own isolate
  • inter-isolate communication (IIC) using RPC

Event loop

  • global event loop for the whole system
  • each isolate has it's own execution stack (kinda like threads)
  • event loop controls and switches between stacks
  • possible to interrupt JavaScript execution (v8 RequestInterrupt)
  • function foo() { for (;;); }

Inter-isolate communication (IIC)

  • implemented as RPC (Remote Procedure Calls)
  • cross-isolate function calls
  • built on JavaScript promises

Inter-isolate communication (IIC)

Synchronous function call example:

Isolate 1:

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

Isolate 2:

var promise = add(1, 2);

promise.then(function(sum) {

  // outputs "3"


Inter-isolate communication (IIC)

Asynchronous function call example:

Isolate 1:

function foo() {
  return new Promise(function(resolve) {
    setTimeout(resolve, 2000);

Isolate 2:

var promise = foo();

promise.then(function() {

  // outputs "Hello World!" after 2 seconds
  console.log('Hello World!');


Inter-isolate communication (IIC)

Zero-copy ArrayBuffer transfer example:

Isolate 1:

var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(128);

function getData() {
  return buffer;

// "buffer.byteLength == 0" after getData() call

Isolate 2:

getData().then(function(buffer) {

  // outputs "128"


Inter-isolate communication (IIC)

Can also pass functions:

Isolate 1:

function foo(name) {
  return "Hello " + name + "!";

function getFoo() {
  return foo;

Isolate 2:

getFoo().then(function(foo) {

  foo('World').then(function(str) {
    // outputs "Hello World!"



Isolate API

Functions available to each isolate

// Global isolate object

// Isolate data

// Environment data

// Data provided by kernel

// Exit isolate

// Write isolate log



Runtime.JS hosted and should respond to UDP packets

  • Virtio NIC driver

# command line

nc -u 9000


Project status

  • experimental project, in development
  • not ready to use (not yet), lacks many important features
  • most APIs will probably change
  • targets mainly KVM

Runtime.JS benefits

  • network-first server system
  • safe environment, sandboxed applications
  • asynchronous I/O everywhere
  • hackable JavaScript, full control over everything
  • pretty small (less than 10 MiB)

Future work

  • TCP/HTTP protocols
  • Filesystems support
  • Optimize everything
  • Lock APIs
  • Xen support

About Node

  • not compatible with Node
  • provides lower API layer than Node
  • might be possible to port Node?
  • maybe NPM as system package manager?




  • GitHub




Thank you!